I am Joe Walker aka Joseph Beyanga, a road safety enthusiast raising awareness about saving lives on the road.

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About Joe Walker

I am Joe Walker aka Joseph Beyanga, a road safety enthusiast raising awareness about saving lives on the road. I am passionate about road safety and I am carrying out related activities to help improve whatever I can about the dire situation in our country.

This year, 2022, as I turned 45, I walked for 340km from Kampala to Bushenyi in a road safety awareness walk dubbed “Joe Walker and Friends – Safe Roads Save Lives”. My journey of walking started in September 2021, after a doctor advised me to do so regularly to help me deal with a few stubborn allergies. The results after the first few days were amazing. The pain and discomfort dramatically decreased.

My adventures walking around the different parts of Kampala city and in other places in Wakiso District showed me how much fun it is to walk but also how difficult it can be with motorcyclists (boda boda riders) and drivers caring less about pedestrians.

The “Joe Walker and Friends” road safety walk was therefore done to highlight all these issues I had seen and which I believe need to be worked on by both the government and the ordinary citizen. These issues include road safety, personal responsibility on the road, and living a healthy lifestyle.

Other Contributions

A few years ago, in 2018, I was the mastermind behind the “Stay in Your Lane” campaign which sought to hold road users in Kampala accountable through pictorial naming and shaming of errant road users in mainstream and social media. The impact of the campaign showed that behavioral change is possible among Ugandan road users with constant awareness of the need for safety on our roads.


Based on that and the support received from various partners, the Joe Walker and Friends safety walk, which was done in 11 days, was a success.

In addition to creating awareness about road safety, I was awarded the Media Impact Award 2022 at the Vine Awards ceremony, which was held on May 7, 2022. Vine Awards celebrates personalities excelling and impacting lives in their spheres of influence. They therefore honored what the Joe Walker team has so far done, in the road safety journey.

Family and work

I am a father of two daughters, and husband of one wife. In my day to day work, I am the Head of Radio, at the Nation Media Group Uganda where I manage the programming, content strategy and profitability of 933 KFM and Dembe FM.

I am also the Secretary-General, at the National Association of Broadcasters. 

I am a born-again Christian and pray with University Community Fellowship in Kikoni, where I support the leadership in various roles.