Remembrance Walk off to a good start
By Carol Alyek Beyanga
By 5.30am, participants had gathered at UMA Showgrounds ready to take part in the Joe Walker Remembrance Walk. Teammates were ready, swapping ideas, doing last minute stretches and warm-up exercises. Before setting off, Joseph Beyanga, aka Joe Walker, reminded the walkers about the importance of road safety and the main reason they were walking.
“Each of us knows someone who has been in an accident. For many who got injured, they cannot be with us. For the 4,534 who passed on last year, they can never be with us,” Joe Walker stated solemnly, reminding the teams to enjoy the walks but to do it with a purpose in mind.
Just before the set off, Mr Brian Mulondo asked the teams to coordinate amongst each other and to follow the rules of the walk.
“Remember, we are walking, we are not running!” he said to the applause of the participants.
At about 6.30am, when all the members were set, Joe Walker, flagged off the first walkers and they set off for the Northern Bypass where they would hand over the baton to the next walker.
The Remembrance Walk will cover 60km and will be done within Kampala today. Each team has six members who are meant to walk for 10km each.