Day Eight: It was special, the longest so far
By Joe Walker
What a day…. #JoeWalker Kampala to Gulu road safety awareness team lifted off from Bweyale at 5:00am, with our headlamps on. We lit up the pitch dark highway and soon we were rolling the mileage into sunrise.
When you walk through a town, it gives you an opportunity to appreciate it better; Bweyale is a big busy town that needs modern and safe infrastructure to serve, protect, and save its people.
As daylight shone upon us clearly, we could see that the road between Kiryadongo and Karuma is actually marked with some signs. Most of them seem to be fading though, so there is need for replacement.
We continued our journey and we were soon at Nanda Primary School. We had a spontaneous stop at the school sports field, where we joined the children and talked road safety.
After hiding from the extreme heat at Karuma, we resumed our walk and crossed the mighty River Nile at Karuma bridge. The road as one moves from that area ahead is a nice one. Today’s trek was special, the longest so far. As we passed through Kamidini, I couldn’t stop marveling at the pace at which the town is growing. Since the town is still “young” what about giving it matching infrastructure? Cycling lanes, pedestrian walkways and lit up streets would do it a world of good.