I am Joe Walker aka Joseph Beyanga, a road safety enthusiast raising awareness about saving lives on the road.

+256 782 602061


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AUDIO: Report on Kampala-Mbale walk

By Benjamin Jumbe Joseph Beyanga better known as Joe Walker has just concluded yet another long walk as part of his road safety campaign. The walk, which was held under the theme "Too Young to Die", saw him together with friends trek miles to Mbale City in the eastern part of Uganda and took six days. In this report, Joe shares his experience, and plans for future campaigns to keep road safety at the top of people's minds. Listen to the report below; ...

The man taking on Uganda’s dangerous roads

By BBC When former journalist, Joseph Bayanga, witnessed the death of three generations of a family on a Kampala road - a mother, daughter and grandchild – he decided enough was enough. More people die on Uganda’s roads – 14 every day – than anywhere else in East Africa. Kampala’s Mulago National Referral Hospital even has a special ward just for the drivers of boda bodas who account for the highest number of deaths. Boda bodas are the motorbike taxis which weave precariously through the traffic at every junction with one, two or even three passengers on their backs. So Joe...