I am Joe Walker aka Joseph Beyanga, a road safety enthusiast raising awareness about saving lives on the road.

+256 782 602061


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Fitness Tips Tag

Preparation for the Kampala to Mbale road safety walk starts

This week is the start of a hard, hectic, nerve-wrecking four weeks ahead of the #JoeWalker Kampala-to-Mbale road safety walk #TooYoungToDie. Why? On Monday I started on the physical preparation; this comes with a detailed training program that includes cross-training, simulated walks, hill repeats, tempo walks and much more. From my experience of the Kampala-to-Bushenyi walk, when you prepare the body very well, you will have a better and more enjoyable walking experience. I enjoyed the adrenaline-drenched Bushenyi walk and I am looking for a better experience on the purpose-driven Kampala-to-Mbale road safety walk. The route planner says the terrain to Mbale looks...

Walk your way to fitness

Know the benefits For many years, I perceived any physical activity done for fitness as rather complicated and too taxing. Then physical pain I experienced in the shoulder blade in 2021, due to some inflammations led me to a physiotherapist whose only prescription was: WALK. 1, 2, 3 steps, I walked away my pain. Those simple steps of a daily brisk walk birthed a whole fitness regime and now I live a healthier life.  Here are some of the amazing benefits scientists say a regular brisk walk can do for you; Maintain a healthy weight and lose body fatPrevent or manage various conditions,...